Microwave and its Anticipated Effect on Global Warming

Microwave - Do they contribute to Global Warming and in turn affecting shrinking of polar ice caps?It is evident from the effect and properties of the High and Medium Power microwave, that Its radiation tends to agitate the molecule of liquids presents in solids (in the form of moisture) or isolated frozen material and Liquids. The resulting friction between the agitating molecules results in generation of enough heat by which the food is cooked. This is the concept on which conventional microwave oven works.

The conventional microwave oven consist of magnetron which generates microwave at (900 – 1500 Mhz). depending upon the power output of individual microwave oven.

Microwave Transmission have become part and parcel of all the major developments and its use has covered Communication , Remote Sensing, Astronomy, Military and numerous other application. With increase in communication requirement demand for high end spectrum allocation and bandwidth is increasing. This is culminating into high microwave transmission in Gega Hertz Range.

Microwaves may not have been studied for ill effects on polar ice capsStudies and Research in this area is required to investigate whether High power Microwave Transmission has any effect or contribution towards Global warming, Melting of Polar Ice Caps and effect on Temperature rise in Troposphere.

If any detrimental effect of Microwave is substantiated through Research or available data then World may have to introspect in use of microwave in its present form.


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